Larger than life original oil painting portraits of Cowboys,
Gunfighters, Outlaws and Lawmen from the wild west artist Dave Wisniewski
Ability Center interbiew with Chrys Peterson
Discover the inspiring story of Dave, a resilient artist who refused to
let a devastating diagnosis stop him from pursuing his passion. Despite
the threat to his eyesight, Dave found a new source of inspiration in
the rugged beauty of the Wild West. His artwork, featuring cowboys and
wild west scenes, showcases his unwavering determination to shine
through adversity. Dave's message is clear: follow your passions and let
the fire of love for what you do guide you through any challenge
"West of Wisniewski" at the Lucas County Main Library, 8/23

Wild West Characters painted by Western Artist Dave Wisniewski
You will love these wild west cowboys, gunfighters, outlaws and lawmen oil
paintings. The large canvases straddle the fence in both contemporary and rustic
settings. The subjects are demanding of attention and pull you into their
world. What are their names, where did they come from, and what have they done?
Each painting is a one of a kind original piece of art straight from the mind of
the artist. The stories team up behind the images and they become real. Look at
the paintings and they will look back. The wild west is alive and well.
The Paintings
About Dave Wisniewski
Exhibitions and Press